Posts written by ClaudyT91

view post Posted: 27/12/2009, 14:39 Nuovo photoshoot! - • 30stm Gfx }
w i capelli di J xD
grazie mille comunque **
view post Posted: 26/12/2009, 12:41 Happy B-Day J! - • 30stm Gfx }


Tanti auguri al nostro grandissimo J!
view post Posted: 25/12/2009, 12:48 BUON NATALE <3 - • 30stm Gfx }


E ecco un wall a tema natalizio per voi =)

SPOILER (click to view)

view post Posted: 25/12/2009, 12:34 { Poison Ivy ; // ;Lilith - . Auditions .
Certo, perfetto *-* posta, posta!
Apri una discussione nel blog e posto! *-*
view post Posted: 25/12/2009, 12:29 { Poison Ivy ; // ;Lilith - . Auditions .
Ile **
Grazie per esserti proposta, di tua spontanea volontΰ *-* xD
Per me ovviamente θ ok!
e penso che vada benissimo anche a Lau, dato che te l'ha chiesto lei xD
Quindi direi che posso aggiungerti *.*

EDIT: aggiunta!
dovresti poter moderare e accedere (e vedere) la sezione dello staff!
Dimmi se θ tutto a posto =)
view post Posted: 24/12/2009, 17:12 Auditions. - . Auditions .
30 Seconds to Mars Graphic opens the 'auditions' to be part of the staff of the blog!
If you love MARS and graphic, read here!

Here's everything you have to do:

• Open a new topic with your nickname as the title.
• Copy, paste and fill this:
<b>Real Name:</b> (we don't need your surname)
<b>Where are you from?</b>
<b>How did I know about MARS?</b>
<b>Personal Spaces:</b> (twitter, tumblr, portfolio, facebook, everything you want)
<b>MARS graphic works:</b> (at least 5 icons, 3 blend, 2 tag, 1 wallpaper)

• Wait for an answer by the staff.

The staff will decide to have you or not as a designer of the blog. Don't be upset if you won't be chosen! ;D
Btw, you have to post at least 5 icons, 3 blend, 2 tag, 1 wallpaper, but you can post everything else you want =)

Good luck everyone! ^O^

Edited by ClaudyT91 - 2/1/2012, 20:47
view post Posted: 6/12/2009, 19:11 Nuovo photoshoot! - • 30stm Gfx }
Ecco qualcosina con uno dei nuovi photoshoot dei ragazzi =)

(lo stesso leggermente piω piccolo: )
e una firmetta sempre uguale:

Per icons:
[URL=]Icons by; 30stm Gfx[/URL].

Per blend:
[URL=]Blend by; 30stm Gfx[/URL].

Per set:
[URL=]Set by; 30stm Gfx[/URL].
view post Posted: 6/12/2009, 13:35 Icons & Wall - • 30stm Gfx }
Grazie mille *__* Molto gentile!! **
view post Posted: 1/12/2009, 15:02 Icons & Wall - • 30stm Gfx }
Torno con qualche icons e un wall fresco fresco ;D

Per vedere il wall clicca sull'anteprima!


Per icons:
[URL=]Icons by; 30stm Gfx[/URL].

Per wall:
[URL=]Wall by; 30stm Gfx[/URL].
view post Posted: 29/11/2009, 21:02 tim - • 30stm Gfx }
adoro la 5 <3
ma tutte belle **
view post Posted: 13/11/2009, 18:33 New icons! - • 30stm Gfx }

[URL=]Icons by; 30stm Gfx[/URL].
258 replies since 7/10/2008